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Great European Lives

Great European Lives: Johan Cruyff

In this episode, host Charlie Connelly delves into the life of Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff. In the 1974 World Cup finals in West Germany, his footballing skills outwitted Swedish right-back, Jan Olsson, with a move that still bewilders the Swede to this day.

Great European Lives Podcast
Great European Lives Podcast

In this episode, host Charlie Connelly delves into the life of Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff. In the 1974 World Cup finals in West Germany, his footballing skills outwitted Swedish right-back, Jan Olsson, with a move that still bewilders the Swede to this day. It remains one of the most replayed World Cup moments in history and his skill, vision and innate Dutchness allows him to be regarded today as one of the geniuses of the game. 

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