In this episode, host Charlie Connelly delves into the life of German vocalizer Klaus Nomi. Much like his heroes Maria Callas and Elvis Presley, he taught himself to sing, eventually leading to his new York debut at Irving Plaza’s New Wave Vaudeville show in 1978. He soon rose to fame in the New York club scene with his offbeat covers of Ding Dong the Witch is Dead and Chubby Checker’s The Twist, and his original electronic pop and operatic arias filled venues. However, diagnosed with AIDS when the disease was in its infancy, he died in 1983 at the age of 39, and just five years after his iconic debut performance.
Great European Lives
Great European Lives: Klaus Nomi
In this episode, host Charlie Connelly delves into the life of German vocalizer Klaus Nomi. Much like his heroes Maria Callas and Elvis Presley, he taught himself to sing, eventually leading to his new York debut at Irving Plaza's New Wave Vaudeville show in 1978.
16 July 2021 12:07 PM