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Great European Lives

Maria von Trapp

Great European Lives Podcast
Great European Lives Podcast

In this episode, host Charlie Connelly looks at the life of stepmother and matriarch of the Trapp Family Singers Maria von Trapp. Hers was a story of rags to riches, back to rags and progressing to riches once again. The turbulent life of her and her family was the inspiration for the 1959 iconic Broadway musical The Sound of Music, and later 1965 film version. While others profited from the feature, she did not. Nonetheless, she welcomed the film’s arrival. In fact, if audiences gaze into the background of the scene where a cautious Julie Andrews sings away her troubles as she leaves the nunnery, they can see the real Maria von Trapp, wearing traditional Austrian clothing leading her daughter and granddaughter across the street.

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