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Great European Lives

Great European Lives: Roald Amundsen

In this episode, host Charlie Connelly discusses the life of Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen. The mystery of the Earth’s poles has long tantalised explorers and Amundsen was no exception.

Great European Lives Podcast
Great European Lives Podcast

In this episode, host Charlie Connelly discusses the life of Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen. The mystery of the Earth’s poles has long tantalised explorers and Amundsen was no exception. Unquestionably a man of the North who spent years obsessed with the Arctic at the top of the world, curiously he was the first man to reach the South Pole. The answer as to how this hardy and methodical Norwegian made this unexpected discovery lies in money, glory and pragmatism. To this day, he remains one of the 20th century’s greatest explorers, if not one of the greatest ever. 

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