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Reclining Jacob Rees-Mogg features on poster claiming Tories are lying about the NHS

Led By Donkeys billboard of Jacob Rees-Mogg. Photograph: Twitter. - Credit: Archant

A new billboard featuring Jacob Rees-Mogg’s supine posture in the House of Commons features on a billboard ereced at Westminster Bridge Road in London.

The House of Commons leader became an internet meme after he was pictured slumping on the benches of the lower house as MPs debated whether to take control of the agenda and pass legislation aimed at preventing a no-deal Brexit.

The image of the reclining minister has been used by protest group Led By Donkeys in a poster which reads: “The Tories are lying – Brexit would be bad for our NHS.”

The poster has gone up just a short distance from the House of Commons.

A spokesman for Led By Donkeys said: “The prime minister and leader of the Conservative Party claimed that leaving the EU would free up £350 million that would instead be spent on the NHS. It was a flat-out lie that he has never recanted or apologised for.

“In reality Brexit, and especially a no-deal Brexit, would be bad for both staffing and funding of the NHS. Our poster tells that simple truth.”

During the EU referendum campaign, Vote Leave used a bus which bore the slogan: “We send the EU £350 million a week – let’s fund our NHS instead.”

Boris Johnson has quietly reduced that figure in subsequent speeches and in online material.

Some experts have warned a no-deal Brexit could affect supplies of essential drugs, with the government’s Yellowhammer planning documents saying medicines would be “particularly vulnerable to severe extended delays” which could occur due to the reduction in the flow of cross-Channel goods.

When Boris Johnson first came to power the Led By Donkeys campaign projected the message “your new prime minister is a liar” on to the side of Buckingham Palace.

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