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Nigel Farage leaving LBC Radio ‘with immediate effect’

Nigel Farage speaks on LBC Radio. Photograph: LBC. - Credit: Archant

LBC has announced it will not be renewing its contract with Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage.

In a statement released on social media, the radio station has said Farage will be stepping down ‘with immediate effect’.

It said: ‘Nigel Farage’s contract with LBC is up very shortly and, following discussions with him, Nigel is stepping down from LBC with immediate effect.

‘We thank Nigel for the enormous contribution he has made to LBC and wish him well.’

The station has been criticised again in recent days for employing the Brexiteer, given his remarks about Black Lives Matter protesters, which he compared to the Taliban.

Fellow presenter James O’Brien in the same week was questioned by listeners how he can continue to remain at a station that gives a platform to Farage.

Farage is yet to respond to the news about his contract on social media.

Earlier this month the Brexiteer suggested he could start a new party if Boris Johnson ‘goes soft’ on Brexit.

He has previously talked about forming ‘The Reform Party’ as a successor to the Brexit Party.

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This week it was revealed that, despite failing to secure a single seat at the election, the Brexit Party still received almost £2 million in donations at the start of the year.

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