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Farage proves he ‘couldn’t organise a p*ss-up at a brewery’ as party flops

Nigel Farage in the parliament chamber at the European Parliament in Brussels. - Credit: PA

Nigel Farage has proven he couldn’t ‘organise a p*ss-up in a brewery’ after none of the promises for his Brexit celebration have materialised.

In his announcement the Brexit Party leader promised comedians, bands and fireworks to mark January 31st.

But his most recent publicity revealed that the line-up contained none of the above, with the comedy instead coming from Brexiteers like Tim Martin from Wetherspoons and MEP Ann Widdecombe.

The organisers have also warned revellers that alcohol will be banned from the event as part of strict licensing rules for holding an event in a public place.

The Leave Means Leave group had originally planned to charge for the event, but then announced it operate a donations system instead.

MORE: Nigel Farage unveils the D-list of speakers for his Brexit celebration

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In its latest communication it recommends a minimum donation of £10 for those that are attending the party.

The Lib Dems were damning in their criticism of Nigel Farage’s event, claiming it showed he “couldn’t organise a p*ss-up at a brewery”.

Liberal Democrat Brexit spokesperson Alistair Carmichael said: “Like the 2016 referendum, they promised everything under the sun for their crude party. But just like Brexit, people have been left with nothing more than broken promises.

“Sadly, this is just typical of what we have come to expect with Brexit. All the more reason for Liberal Democrats do everything in our power to hold this government to account.”

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