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Piers Morgan calls Boris Johnson a ‘coward’ for turning down invites to appear on Good Morning Britain

Piers Morgan brands Boris Johnson a coward for not appearing on Good Morning Britain. Photograph: ITV. - Credit: Archant

Outspoken television presenter Piers Morgan has continued to criticise Boris Johnson for turning down interviews with his breakfast television programme Good Morning Britain.

During the election campaign the ITV breakfast show went to great lengths to get Johnson on the programme to get the prime minister to appear.

At one point a reporter door-stepped the prime minister as he did a milkround in Yorkshire, prompting an infamous scene where he is filmed hiding in a fridge as his aide swears live on television.

He has consistently claimed he will appear on the show, but his most recent interview was with rival presenter Dan Walker on BBC Breakfast.

The failure of the PM – and his cabinet ministers – to appear on the show continues to frustrate Morgan.

He has responded to an appeal for questions for his people’s PMQs to ask why he was avoiding the scrutiny, and branding him a “coward”.

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It follows a Downing Street decision to exclude journalists from a Brexit briefing, which led to a mass walk-out from journalists.

During the election campaign Johnson was slammed for being the only leader not to be interviewed by Andrew Neil.

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