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Paul Knott

The Rwanda plan, and the moral collapse of Britain

Whatever our government says, the Kigali regime is a brutal, oppressive dictatorship, and no place for vulnerable refugees

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The consequences for the world will be catastrophic if Putin wins in Ukraine

Vladimir Putin’s brutal war has reached a pivotal moment. If the west does not back Ukraine to the hilt now, we will all regret it

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Chile’s shadow of fear

The country has a young, enthusiastic president-elect in Gabriel Boric – and a host of old problems and resentments ready to drag him down

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Kenya’s Covid timebomb ticks on

Contrary to global perception, Africa has not escaped the worst of the pandemic. In one country, the cost may be felt for generations. 

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Kaliningrad: The curious case of Vladimir Putin’s piece of EU territory

The Russian region, disconnected from the motherland and deep in EU territory, is both an asset and a vulnerability for the Kremlin. PAUL KNOTT tells the story of one of the continent’s most intriguing places, where geography and history collide

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Is the end finally nigh for EU’s most notorious leader?

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Will Ukraine be the start of a push back against Putin?

The Russian president is testing the resolve of the West, but in doing so he reveals his weakness rather than his strength.

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What makes the Finns so happy?

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Why is Austria so scandal-prone?

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Can the EU get its vaccine programme back on track?

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Why Japan will have a significant role to play in 2021

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The world won’t miss Donald Trump – but it will mourn Angela Merkel’s departure

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The revival of trust in justice

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The pipe dream of peace in the Middle East

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America lies at a crossroad – and it’s more fundamental than Biden v Trump

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The escalating stand-off in the Mediterranean which is causing waves beyond the region

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China may regret Xi abandoning its traditional policy

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North Korea’s Covid campaign

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How Putin’s downfall could come sooner than many expect

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Hungary: What happens when democracy dies

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Welcome to Europe’s greenest lands

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The shadow hanging over China’s coronavirus recovery

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The people Europe turned its back on

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Can Greece lift itself out of debt crisis?

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Is Poland’s golden era of democracy being threatened by populism?

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Battle Bologna: Can Italy’s far-right Salvini be stopped by the sardines?

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Trump cannot rely on protests to solve Iran crisis

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Putin’s plans to destabilise politics around the world in 2020

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How the world’s rulers have learned to exploit Trump

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Unrest simmers in Algeria

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The crisis gripping the world’s most dangerous waterway

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Why chaotic Argentina’s golden era may never come

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