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Will Self

Multicultural Man: On alternative therapies

You can understand why people want to at least take back some semblance of control, when their passport is eventually stamped and they enter the “other country” of serious illness

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Multicultural Man: On Desert Island Discs

The programme has become a surpassingly saccharine exercise in shining up the superficialities of celebrity

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Multicultural Man: On the YBAs

My decades-long relationship with a fake blue plaque has been rekindled by a new Labour government

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Multicultural Man: On the Tate murals

Come on Tate Gallery, if you really feel the need to right a historic injustice, do it by ameliorating a contemporary one

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Cruel Britannia

Government and culture do not mix.. just look what happened last time

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Multicultural Man: On ideology

The ideologies aren’t working – and neither are the political parties

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Multicultural Man: On It’s My Culture

Why shouldn’t hundreds of gay people gather in the woods at night to witness nude oiled wrestling between dykes?

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Multicultural Man: On family secrets

My great-great-grandfather’s behaviour transcends the stuffy confines of respectable churchmen in the 1880s

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Multicultural Man: On the Zulu Home

The story of my great-great-grandfather and a killer cat

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Multicultural Man: On immigrants

A post office queue leads to a disarming encounter

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Multicultural Man: On Proust

A little morsel of madeleines, put it in a teaspoon and dipped in tea, summons memories of In Search of Lost Time

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Multicultural Man: On Alan Clarke

In the 1970s the three broadcast channels all had regular teleplays and anyone who wanted to write drama seriously was drawn into television

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Multicultural Man: On hair

With many ageing males, the locus of anxiety is, of course, an actual locus on the head

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Multicultural Man: On the London marathon

The spectacle of this great host of well-meaning folk aroused in me yet more carping and cavilling

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Multicultural Man: On crying

Is crying such a bad thing? I’ve been doing a lot of it recently, for reasons regular readers will be aware of, and it never ceases to help

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Multicultural Man: On View-Master

If I want to see the Alps nowadays, all I have to do is pick up my View-Master, point it in the direction of a light source, and begin depressing the lever

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Multicultural Man: On pilgrimages

A pilgrimage on foot from London to Canterbury is par for the course of this very pedestrian life

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Multicultural Man: On beards

I have decided to grow a beard – my mission is to reconcile the two most antipathetic faith communities of London in the contours of my own face

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Multicultural Man: On churchgoing

Church is one of the only places in London with black and white people doing something wholeheartedly together that isn’t working for the goddamn man

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I’ve got news for you.. satire is dead

As a new series of HIGNFY approaches, its comedy is now preaching to the converted, and feels toothless in an age of virtue signalling but no virtue.

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Multicultural Man: On DIY

When it comes to working with my hands I am a dunce. Enter Rashad and Google Translate

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Multicultural Man: On no-go areas

Paul Scully says Tower Hamlets in east London has “no-go areas”. How would he know?

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Multicultural Man: On food

An Indian mission to feed hungry British students makes for a bizarre reversal

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Multicultural Man: On TV licensing

Everyone must die – and so must broadcast TV

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Multicultural Man: On the church

In order for churches to be properly cherished they’ll have to welcome in people of other faiths and no faith at all

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Multicultural Man: On micrography

A fountain pen gives an almost pervy sensation of smooth abandon as the nib unspools the long line of effort and beauty

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Multicultural Man: On assumptions

When ordering from a Japanese bakery a lot can be lost in translation

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Multicultural Man: On dresses

It would do men a lot of good to go out in a dress for a few days and feel the wind of change it occasions

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Multicultural Man: On coal

I’m old enough to remember what life was like before the generality of houses and flats were centrally heated – and now I’m experiencing it again

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Multicultural Man: On sherbet

The 1970s was an era as filthily culpable as any other and its only redeeming feature was the cheapness and availability of sherbet lemons

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Multicultural Man: Oh, and I have cancer

The predicament of cancerous smokers is a bit like that of Brexit voters: we all did something fucking stupid, knowingly, and now we’re paying the price

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Multicultural Man: On mosques

In a way, the Ahmadi feel like a very suburban, very pacific, rather twee and English sort of Muslim sect

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