Ian Dunt
09 July 2021
We lost our European identity, but gained a movement

This week marks five years since the launch of The New European, a symbol of one of the few upsides to emerge from Brexit, says IAN DUNT
Read the full article01 July 2021
Boris Johnson’s fall will come – and it will be swift and brutal

He might seem to be unharmed by the scandals he presides over, but Boris Johnson’s position is more vulnerable than it looks. The fall will come, and it will be swift, brutal and comprehensive
Read the full article27 May 2021
Diana row puts Tories closer to a docile BBC

The Corporation's current woes are being exploited for political gain by the government
Read the full article23 April 2021
Boris Johnson doesn’t understand the Union – and doesn’t care about Scotland

26 February 2021
Brexit has robbed Britain of the mechanism to deliver on climate change

Warm words about climate action are one thing. But Brexit means it's likely all we will get is hot air.
Read the full article03 February 2021
‘The virus was turning me into a rodent’: What I’ve learned from my Covid experience

31 December 2020
It’s down to Remainers to now put the country back on a better path

03 December 2020
Time for the eerie Brexit silence from opposition parties to end

10 November 2020
Joe Biden’s victory shows what’s possible if liberals and the left work together

21 September 2020
Liberalism is in a fight for its life but each of us can defend it

19 December 2019
Rest, Recharge, Return – A message for anti-Brexit campaigners

05 December 2019
IAN DUNT: How tactical voting could prevent a brutal few years

23 November 2016
The hysteria around Brexit shows how utterly un-British it really is