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Peter Kellner

What does Britain really think about immigration?

The views of most Conservatives are not what you might think

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Sunak is in Farage’s pocket

As a poll shows Conservative voters prefer Nigel Farage to Rishi Sunak, the PM’s only hope looks like being a split within Reform UK

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Decoding Britain’s pre-election polls

The countdown has begun to a UK general election. One of Britain’s leading political number-crunchers tells you how to read the data

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Rishi Sunak, our ‘nothing’ prime minister

No one knows what Rishi Sunak stands for, and few voters trust him and his party to change

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Anti-Brexit Britain has reached the point of return

How has the UK evolved over seven years to become a country that again favours being in the EU? And when can we hope to rejoin?

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Hands up who still believes in Brexit?

Many of those who backed leaving the EU now admit that it has damaged Britain. Are we near a tipping point?

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The numbers have spoken. Labour: nice and smart – the Tories? Mean and dim

Starmer has a huge lead, but what exactly are the polls telling us?

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The Green King

Polls show the young don’t fully trust Charles. What better way to solve it than by restating his environmental agenda in deed, not word?

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No, of course Boris Johnson didn’t get Brexit done

An exclusive poll shows that 60% of voters – including 46% of Leave voters – think Boris Johnson has failed on Brexit

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Here’s what Labour should say on Brexit and immigration

To win the general election, Keir Starmer must win over two distinct sets of voters - and silence on the big issues is no longer an option

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Partygate PM is braced for a little local difficulty

Talk of a Tory wipeout in May 5’s elections is merely a game of low expectations – but they could still prove fatal to Boris Johnson

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Labour has a new hope – their mission is possible

Bolstered by Tory scandals and a new shadow cabinet, Keir Starmer should heed a newly published account of one of his party’s darkest hours, which turns the Red Wall narrative on its head.

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Will the tide ever turn against Boris Johnson?

Despite the chaos of the fuel crisis and other pandemic- and Brexit-induced problems, Boris Johnson’s ‘competency ratings’ are still holding up, while Keir Starmer is not making huge inroads. Will the dial ever shift?

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Why Lib Dems’ by-election win is unlikely to spark change

The Lib Dems' by-election victory was morale-boosting for opponents of the government, but the most significant action is needed elsewhere

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Be careful what you wish for… voting reform could kill Labour

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Is there a way back for the West’s progressives or is social democracy done and dusted?

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The deep roots of Labour’s red wall decline

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How the vaccines have shifted opinions over Brexit

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What to expect from this May’s elections

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The polling that signals the plight of the Union

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The polarisation of politics in America goes beyond Trump and Biden

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Boris Johnson’s top ten lies in his first year as prime minister

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Keir Starmer would become PM if election was held tomorrow, claims pollster

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The polls show politics is entering a ‘new normal’ – this is how every party must adapt

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PETER KELLNER: The Telegraph’s Brexit polling comes straight from the Sir Humphrey Appleby playbook

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PETER KELLNER: The case for a second poll grows by the day

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