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Mick O'Hare

The strange story of the European flag

For many, it inspires cooperation and hope... for others annoyance. But what does the European flag actually stand for?

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The Disaster of Annual: The battle that still haunts Spain

Amid the bloodshed of the 20th century, it remains all but forgotten. But what became known as the Disaster of Annual, 100 years ago this summer, shaped Spain’s traumatic century.

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When cold war broke out in the Olympic swimming pool

Looking back at one of the most notorious episodes in the Games' history, when sport and politics combined in ferocious violence

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The war tour: When the British Lions got a lift from the Royal Navy

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When Fidel Castro kidnapped Juan Manuel Fangio

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The man the Soviet Union left in space

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PR is not the panacea to our dated voting system

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CAMRA – Europe’s most successful consumer organisation

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The race to the North Pole and a controversy that has yet to thaw

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Lech Walesa and the making of modern Poland

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Power Hungary: The WWI wounds that have not yet healed

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The unfriendly Olympic games

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When football fell foul of politics – the strange story of the 1960 Euros

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The ultimate endurance of Steve McQueen’s masterpiece Le Mans

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After Apollo: The fallout from space’s great escape

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F1: The race that sent motorsport back to the future

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The European: A newspaper from the past that still reflects present day problems

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The fascinating history of space stations

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Three decades on from the fall of the Berlin Wall

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The contest that got the railway age rolling

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Were the moon landings a waste of space?

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The race to overcome motorsport’s sexist history

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Formula Once: The F1 drivers who only ever won once

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MICK O’HARE: On the other side of a polar tragedy

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Lessons of the Luddites

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MICK O’HARE: The Soviets who almost conquered the moon

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The birth of a photo that transformed the earth

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The German who helped Jesse Owens win gold

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MICK O’HARE: Complex legacy of a forgotten uprising

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When Vichy abolished rugby league

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