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Mitch Benn

Rishi Sunak’s desperate ploy to woo drivers is car-crash politics

The prime minister is on a mission to win over motorists. What else does he have up his sleeve?

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Elon Musk’s latest ‘brainwave’ shows why he completely lacks the X-factor

The owner of Twitter has taken one of the world’s most instantly recognisable brand names and replaced it with something utterly meaningless

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As excuses go, ‘I forgot my PIN’ is akin to ‘the dog ate my homework’

Boris Johnson’s explanation as to why he failed to hand over his phone to the Covid inquiry is another example of how ‘forgetful’ he is...

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The Tories finally deliver on a promise – making Britain a hostile environment

In an attempt to deter migrants, the government’s mission is to turn the country into an unwelcoming, collapsing, dystopian hellscape. Oh, wait...

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Vladimir Putin: A desperate man calls for desperate measures

Putin’s previously ironclad reputation has sustained serious damage in recent times – how can he regain his mojo?

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Bard for life: The tragedy of Boris the First (or The Comedy of Errors)

Does self-styled Shakesperean hero Boris Johnson’s new vocation as a Daily Mail columnist suggest misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows...?

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He’s finally been flushed away – but will Johnson bob back to the surface?

The disgraced former PM has crawled away to lick his wounds, but he’ll already be plotting ways to inveigle his way back into the public eye...

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“The dog ate my WhatsApp messages”, and other digital-age excuses

If the government's cunning plan fails, here are some more ways to deceive the Covid inquiry

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When even Express readers can see the light, it must be game over for Brexit

Two thirds of the Brexiters’ Bible’s readers admit that leaving the EU has gone pear-shaped – but not for the same reasons as the rest of us...

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It’s Worst Side Story, it’s The Book of Moron.. yes, it’s Rishi the musical!

Featuring the hit show tunes Don’t Cry for Me, Richmond (Yorkshire), Suella, If I Were a Poor Man, and many more!

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Tories issue grave warnings of a potential horror scenario: democracy

Should the dastardly progressives impose PR on the nation, the days of the Tory minority exercising unlimited power could be over... the horror

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Voter ID didn’t help the Conservatives, so let’s just raise the voting age to 70

The Tories’ latest cunning plan failed miserably at the council elections, so here are some foolproof ways they could rig the next general election

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Why stop at the coronation? Let’s have jousting, sacrifices and boat battles too

Here are a few more empty ceremonies that could be held to distract the masses from the country’s ongoing elective death spiral

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Psst, Tories! 27 nicknames for Starmer that are more cutting than ‘Sir Softie’

The anti-Starmer slur isn’t catching on. If the prime minister is stuck, there are some better insults to reach for

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Why make up fake flaws when there’s already an embarrassment of Rishi’s?

There are some less crass and more accurate ways for Labour to attack the government

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If you’re a Tory MP worried about your job, fear not! Help is at hand

Conservative MPs seem to have finally twigged that their gravy train is about to hit the buffers. So what else could they turn their hands to?

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Desperate measures from a desperate government

The Conservatives are clutching at straws. Do they think we haven't noticed?

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January 6 all over again? You must be MAGAnuts…

For discredited populists, it has been the week justice hit back

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How Gary Lineker can avoid causing another fake outragegasm

If, in the future, Gary has to restrict himself to talking about football, here are some analogies it's OK for him to use

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Are you suffering from Brexgret? The tell-tale signs

Brexiters beware, symptoms are on the rise - but never fear, here are a selection of foolproof cures for your ailments

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Brexit Avengers assemble for the Infinite Culture Wars

Your favourites unite for Brexit Avengers: Infinite Culture Wars! Coming soon, whether you like it or not...

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How low would Johnson go to crawl back into No 10?

Beware, Rishi Sunak – the former PM will stop at nothing to get his old job back...

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The Tory Party is over… but what about the afterparty?

What new right wing parties can we expect to emerge in the coming years? And, who may lead them?

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Underhand, overpaid, the Tories are bungling free

Meet The Wombles as you've never seen them before. (With apologies to Elisabeth Beresford...)

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The cautionary tale of the emperor’s ill-fitting clothes

Rishi Sunak appears to be having a few wardrobe malfunctions. Is he taking a leaf out of Boris Johnson's book?

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Britain: Where scandals are no longer scandalous

In contemporary British politics, we've come to expect scandal and this week has been no exception

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Nothing really adds up in little Rishi’s big maths test

Do the government really want a highly numerate populace when their own numbers aren't especially strong?

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Where are they hiding the £350m a week for the NHS?

The NHS could now do with the financial boost as promised on side of the Brexit bus seven years ago

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Only a fool would try to predict the events of 2023…

If last year taught us anything, it's that anything can happen in politics

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These are the resolutions Sunak and Co should make for 2023

Stop smirking, Jeremy Hunt! And do anything you can to avoid needing the NHS, Steve Barclay…

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Mitch Benn’s images of 2022

In the Year of Three UK Prime Ministers, there were more villains than heroes. We remember some of the most memorable

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Could these tricks save the Tories from defeat?

As Christmas approaches, things don't quite feel festive. What can the government do to rally the troops?

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