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Will Self

Multicultural Man: On ChatGPT

Some are worried the new AI open resource will render writing assignments redundant. Our writer's interaction would suggest not

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Multicultural Man: On neighbours

A house move causes our writer to ruminate on the problem of neighbourly relations

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Multicultural Man: On dogs

We are deluded if we believe ourselves to be dogs' masters and mistresses

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Multicultural Man: On beer

During 20 beer-free years a coldness crept throughout the collective British cellar – like some especially mundane effect – lacquering casks and bottles with condensation

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Multicultural Man: On Britain v France

Despite British perfidy over the protocol, and the reneging of basic humanitarian values when it comes to migration, the French seem more bemused than belligerent

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Multicultural Man: On Vivienne Westwood

There’s no doubt that she knew how to make clothes in every sense – but the idea that she represented a spirit of rebelliousness is frankly ridiculous

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Multicultural Man: On charity shops

Charity shops are for the most part either full of dismal tat; or, are like Oxfam’s specialist bookshops: stocked with the crème of the haute bourgeoisie’s discarded… crème

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Jacob Rees-Mogg, the fake

Jacob Rees-Mogg isn’t what he seems

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Multicultural Man: On ‘goblin mode’

A backlash against looking perfect on social media has led to “goblin mode” becoming the word of the year

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Multicultural Man: On stereotypes

Reading the British press in the last few weeks and months, you get the impression there are only two kinds of migrants landing on these shores

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Multicultural Man: On streetlamps

You don’t need to be some sort of Victoriana re-enactment freak in order to appreciate the beauty of gas lamps

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Multicultural Man: On race and identity

The current and curious inversions of racial prejudice that have resulted in people pretending to be black or brown mirror those of snobbery that accompanied the cultural revolutions of my youth

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Succumbing to hideous transformation

On the eve of a new translation of the author’s diaries, the question arises, is the Kafkaesque now just completely normal?

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Multicultural Man: On India

Britain is no longer fit for purpose. It should voluntarily become a colony of India

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Multicultural Man: On migrants

For those of the Brexit persuasion, the East Europeans who managed to get in should be called Benefits Vultures. They are as far from this as imaginable

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Multicultural Man: On racism and The Great British Bake Off

Empires rise and fall, and yet Bake Off remains on our screens. Yet, across the pond commentators recently took aim at Mexico week

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Multicultural Man: On Charleston

The co-option of queerness by capitalism is perhaps the most sterile union imaginable: giving birth only to merch rather than masterpieces

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Multicultural Man: On Easter Island

It is surpassing ironic that the tragedy of the Rapanui and their extraordinary statues should now be farcically repeated

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Multicultural Man: On Alcoholics Anonymous

A self-help organisation based firmly on the principle and practice of its members not being publicly identified by name has come to embody the exact opposite

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Multicultural Man: On the fourth plinth

The dismal artworks which have sat atop the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square bear ample evidence of how little contemporary conceptual art has to offer civic society

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Multicultural Man: On free speech

Like so many passionate contemporary ethical conflicts, a row in the publishing world is really about a narcissism of extremely small differences indeed

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Multicultural Man: On removals

A recent experience with removal men helped me understand something. The mark of relatively free society is that the personal trumps the political

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Multicultural Man: On diversity

Liz Truss's cabinet isn't as diverse as it seems, despite what the prime minister says

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Multicultural Man: On diminutives

Is it the small size of Scotland’s population that gives them a linguistic kink: a desire to reduce everything to the compass of a cosy domesticity?

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Multicultural Man: On autocomplete

Microsoft's new software wants to stop us writing anything that’s unacceptable or offensive. But unacceptable and offensive to whom?

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Multicultural Man: On free speech

Following the attempted murder of Salman Rushdie the term chautauqua may well undergo a semantic shift, becoming synonymous not with the exercise of free speech, but with crazed attempts to repress it

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Multicultural Man: On trainers

In fetishising the trainer, the devotee makes of it a transitional object: something that eases the troubling developmental stage between childhood and adulthood

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Multicultural Man: On Game of Thrones

Its creators may plead otherwise, but the world's biggest TV show rendered sex as grotesque and alienating as any puritanical religiosity

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Multicultural Man: On markets

Are markets ever a place's real cultural centre, asks our columnist

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Multicultural Man: On jeans

The time has come for Europeans to take back control of the world’s most popular juvenescent fashion statement

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Opera’s great awokening

Will Self on the new, colour-conscious Madama Butterfly

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Multicultural Man: On Bob Dylon (sic)

A new recording of a Bob Dylan classic takes our columnist back to a bathetic night in Wisconsin

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