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Matt Kelly

The story of Chris Kaba’s killing is now clearer. Except on the BBC News website

The weighting of a story about the Croydon man shot by police is all wrong

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Boris Johnson and Alexander Lebedev: The questions that must still be answered

Former KGB officer Alexander Lebedev

Another scandal over Boris Johnson's Premiership is simmering and threatens to boil over. And this time it's a matter of national security.

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We’re hiring!

We're looking for an experienced commissioning editor to join the TNE team ... maybe it's you?

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Join more than 1,100 investors in co-owning The New European … but hurry! Time is running out.

The New European has a unique opportunity for readers to invest in our future

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The New European’s Person of The Year: Richard Ratcliffe

For those human qualities - bravery, loyalty, integrity, intelligence, sacrifice - he demonstrated in defiance of a political system in which those same qualities are so conspicuously absent.

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Boris Johnson’s journalistic past is the root cause of his coming political demise

A career learning how to get away with it in UK newspapers was poor training for telling lies as a Prime Minister

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Boris Johnson: Our part in his downfall. 25 New European front pages charting the career of Britain’s worst-ever PM

We had his number from the start. Here are the front pages that prove it

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This week’s front page: An apology

Don't laugh. The sight of someone called Allegra laughing it up about cheese and wine on a day that 608 people were drawing their last breaths in UK hospitals from Coronavirus should make us all sick.

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Where’s a Michael Heseltine when you really need one?

Hezza helped save Liverpool because he knew the point of power: Doing stuff, not just saying stuff.

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Now we’ve all got buyer’s remorse

Bizarre events followed our publication of the “buyer’s remorse” story last week. Editor-in-chief MATT KELLY brings you up to speed.

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Nadine Dorries will decide Channel 4’s future. She doesn’t even know how it’s funded.

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Boris Johnson is a coward in charge of a bunch of B-list politicians unworthy of us.

Talent in politics has never been so thin. The effects are manifest. When will people actually notice?

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There are reasons to boycott Morrisons. Their daft anti-EU chicken label isn’t one of them

As Twitter goes full-on berserko over the "non-EU salt and pepper" crisis, the fact that shoppers and staff at the supermarket are about to be stuffed appears to have been forgotten

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Dear Nadine Dorries, shut up.

The culture secretary's recent fury against the BBC’s Nick Robinson won't win her any favours with the public.

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Book review: Nina Simone’s Gum by Warren Ellis. Something special to chew over.

A beautiful book about an extraordinary obsession with a piece of used chewing gum

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News from the front line of Britain’s Winter of Discontent.

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It’s all THEIR fault! We have a government in denial and a nation in trouble

The PM has been wildly blaming others for the causes of the country’s crises. But this misdiagnosis only guarantees more pain.

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They said calling the public stupid was wrong. Until the public started panic-buying petrol.

Get your story straight, chaps. Either the public is infallible .. or they're not.

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The built-in middle-class media bias is bad for Britain

Why getting kids from poor backgrounds into journalism is a priority

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The supermarket that won the Cold War

MATT KELLY on how the West triumphed over the Soviets in a campaign fought in the aisles and check-outs.

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Doesn’t matter which side of the Brexit fence you sat on, it’s perfectly okay to be angry about Boris Johnson

Using the pandemic as a cover story for Britain's post-Brexit woes is contemptible

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Sorry, but Emma Raducanu simply isn’t yours to parade as a good immigrant

Holding up this brilliant young player as an example of good, liberal immigration policies is dumb and dehumanising

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Welcome to The New European’s new website

Since 2016, The New European's award-winning newspaper has been the torchbearer for pan-European comment and insight on how our continent can be a better place for all. Now we've got a website to match.

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The moral of the story? Don’t make an approval-junkie lying journo the PM

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How this Liverpool fan came close to quitting over the European Super League

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PRINCE PHILIP: Why this Danish, Greek, German immigrant epitomised Britain

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A new chapter for The New European

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Four years on, The New European will keep asking the questions that matter

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MATT KELLY: Remain must become something much bigger

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James O’Brien: It feels like Britain got what it deserved with Boris Johnson

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The New European celebrates its third birthday

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MATT KELLY: Corbyn’s great betrayal would never be forgiven

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